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Meet the Custodians at the Bay 2010/04/13

Posted by Sergio Montealegre in Classwork.
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Got to say, this was my first time doing a video. It certainly was an interesting experience, but, after a few stumbles, here’s the finished product.

Here’s hoping YouTube actually works!

Another day, despite the final countdown 2010/03/09

Posted by Sergio Montealegre in Classwork, Musings.
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So what’s up as graduation nears? Not much. Gamer Gazette is going well, with a big week about to go down for us with the 2010 Game Developers Conference starting today through the rest of the week, and I couldn’t be happier working on that site. It’s the first step to what I really want to do for a living with the goal of reaching LA’s E3 conference in 2012.

Graduation is close, which is exciting, but hollow since, thanks to the lovely scheduling with a certain service, I was effectively screwed out of taking my last class, so I’ve got to come back one more semester to take a single 1-credit class. It’s really worthy of the current internet phrase, “fml.”

No sense in sitting still despite this. Beacon work’s been going fine, but now in the fun role of Biscayne Bay Copy Editor, so I’ve had the joy of refining articles and such. I’m still looking for internships, but at a really half-hearted attempt since I’m more interested with online stuff than I am of the average reporter, diligent as they are, schlepping through today’s name or event of the day in a field where job security is becoming as scarce as ice on Mount Kilimanjaro.

Maybe some readers will disagree with my somewhat jaded views on the whole subject, but this is the impression I got from all the lectures I’ve heard in my time here. This is why my colleagues and I started our own site, our own Oregon Trail, if you will. Sometimes you have to do things on your own if you want to get anywhere in life; be your own boss, essentially.

For now, my main concern is getting a foot in the door, no easy feat for someone who’s not done an internship and who’s work experience is a week-old blog and several staff positions (staff writer, photo editor, copy editor, etc) at a college paper with a few accolades. Here’s hoping an online gig comes along since now I feel that’s the place for me next, along with fostering Gamer Gazette’s growth.

“If you want something, don’t ask for it; go out and win it. Do that and you’ll succeed.”

Project: Cyber Track going strong 2010/03/04

Posted by Sergio Montealegre in Musings.
1 comment so far

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my time here at the J-School, it’s that sometimes the classroom isn’t enough.

Yeah, you learn how to do the basics and the all-important ethics of the business so you (impersonal you, here) don’t look like a buffoon with no integrity and poor work ethic, but learning it isn’t enough.

I’ve posted in the past about a few friends/colleagues here in the school were interested in doing something more, relevant to our passions as well. Well, we’re now on our third day of official operation and honestly? I’m learning more here than I have in all of my classes.

Now, don’t take this as me throwing the professors or the School of Journalism and Mass Communication under the bus as they obviously have helped in laying the foundation, each imparting their own talents or lessons, to this point. Nothing — and I mean nothing — does a mind better than actually going out there and practicing the lessons and learning through experience. This was also something I learned in The Beacon.

With that, I introduce to you the face of Project: Cyber Track, The Gamer Gazette.

The Price of Building a Site 2010/02/09

Posted by Sergio Montealegre in Classwork.
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With social media gaining momentum through sites like Twitter and
blogging software, creating a website to help combine these features
to gather a user base is an ideal goal.

Reaching this goal is far more difficult than just beginning a site and spamming the site’s link around the Internet. This is especially true for websites that plan to offer a variety of content, where the issue of web space and the cost of maintaining a server comes into play.


Project: Cyber Track 2010/02/02

Posted by Sergio Montealegre in Classwork.
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The future has no certainty, especially when it comes to journalism. Guy on his computer

So what’s a student to do while hearing all these tales of gloom and doom about how newspapers are laying people off. Everyone who’s in my position as a student journalist is hungry, and yet, like a third-world country government, the field just cannot provide, leaving several of us out in the cold or grouping together to survive.

This is the situation a few colleagues and I are in. With our futures uncertain and our view on mainstream, or traditional, journalism waning, we realized that things may not be so well off for us in this field.

Enter Project: Cyber Track.

A Post About Nothing… So How Do We Know When It’s Over? 2010/01/23

Posted by Sergio Montealegre in Classwork.
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Little Orphan Annie

Everything has to be tomorrow with you, doesn't it.

Ever have one of those nice moments where you should be doing something, such as homework, something for work or possibly checking on that food you left on the stove (I’ll give you a few seconds to go check on that… got it? Great.) Procrastination: easily defined by putting something off for later, the little orphan Annie likely having her picture right next to the word in the dictionary.


A Pen and a Canvas 2010/01/12

Posted by Sergio Montealegre in Classwork.
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Sintesi Fascista (Fascist Synthesis) by Alessandro Bruschetti

Sintesi Fascista (Fascist Synthesis) by Alessandro Bruschetti

How do people encapsulate an era so that future generations can understand how it was like to live in that time? Since pre-historic times with cave drawings and sculptures, art is usually the window we have to view the past and attempt to interpret it.

But with the creation of codified language and later on the explosion of literacy, writing became a very viable method of leaving messages to ascendant generations. But which one is better at relaying messages about an era? Hit the jump for more.


And now, a Public Service Announcement 2010/01/05

Posted by Sergio Montealegre in Uncategorized.
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Hi, Sergio Montealegre here with Pixel Tanker. The Internet can be a complicated and confusing place, with flashy ads, lolcats and all sorts of other craziness. In the right doses, it can lead to good laughs. Too much, and your mind will implode to dust. Allow me to show you all this while keeping your sanity.

Sit back, grab the chips and enjoy the ride!